Maron has been bringing out the heavy hitters over the past couple of weeks. Last week, we heard from Iggy Pop. That’s right; Iggy Pop did a podcast. I haven’t listened yet, but I plan to dive in tomorrow. I think Nick Cave’s coming up on Thursday. Bated breath, folks. Today I was delighted to hear from one of my favorite authors. David Sedaris, also a prolific public radio personality, graced the garage to promote his new book, Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls.
The show started out with Sedaris reading some of Maron’s choicest excerpts from his book Attempting Normal. At first, it made sense. It was like authors comparing notes. But I was over it after the second gratuitous compliment. Not to demean either of them; it just sounded prompted (though I doubt it was).
But the interview picked up from there. Sedaris talked about his relationship with Terry Gross, a dynamic I was always curious about; he talked about his cannabis-riddled playwright days with his sister Amy; and, to my surprise, his go-to interview material felt obligatory but not exhaustive (smoking, moving, Hugh).
Maron was clearly happy to have Sedaris on the show, and Sedaris seemed happy to be there. No real revelations in this episode, but it was really nice to hear these two masterful gabbers chew the fat for an hour.